Thursday, November 7, 2013

Digital Story

My digital story revolves mostly around the same issue I chose as my SAP, NSA Spying. The story goes as follows. During my senior year of highschool I was fortunate enough to be invited by my friend to go on an all expenses payed vacation to Spain for a month during the summer. The morning after I graduated from high-school I jumped on a plane and left the great states, and also leaving behind all contact to the United States. I saw a lot of cool things and some not so cool things. I noticed a lot of things wrong with Spain's government system to which I always thought how great it was to live in such a great, free place known as the USA. When I got home to the United States I noticed not much had changed, which was expected. I get to my house, have some home cooking, and watch the news to see what America's been doing for the past month. A bunch of typical stories take up some airtime and then BAM, the news anchors start to give updates on the month-long headliner involving "Edward Snowden" and "NSA Spying." As I watched more and more about the story I couldn't believe what I was hearing, A huge organization of the government had been outed by a former employee about their spying on ALL United States Citizens. I expected there to be rioting and protests and huge public outcries, yet nothing. I thought back to how little had changed when I got back from Spain, America basically had no long-term reactions. My thoughts in Spain about how great America was were completely falsified. America had rolled over on it's side and accepted that to achieve freedom they must give up their privacy, which directly goes against what America was founded upon. "It's too bad a young man had to sacrifice everything, and become a fugitive who will likely spend the rest of his life unable to return to the U.S., to inspire this oversight." Now of course there are a great number of people who, like me, oppose how the government conducts their "surveillance." Those said people usually talk through blogs, YouTube videos, websites, and other technology based media platforms. Those are some great ways to describe my story through this project.

Works Cited

Crowley, Michael. "Spy Vs. Spy." Time 182.20 (2013): 14. Academic Search Complete. Web. 8 Nov. 2013.

Engler, Mark. "Even If You Have Nothing To Hide." New Internationalist 467 (2013): 33. Academic Search Complete. Web. 8 Nov. 2013.

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