Monday, November 25, 2013

NSA BlogPost

House intel bill adds $75 million to NSA budget to stop future Snowdens

"On Thursday, the House Intelligence Committeeapproved a spending bill to fund the National Security Agency and other intelligence organizations. Included in the bill is a provision that would set aside $75 million for the NSA to improve its internal security and mitigate insider threats to classified material. In other words, the bill seeks to prevent future Edward Snowdens.
Earlier this month, the Senate Intelligence Committeeadvanced its own bill authorizing funding for the NSA and its surveillance programs. The bill also provides additional money for countering insider threats, but it includes protections for "legitimate" whistle blowers, the Hill's Brendan Sasso reported.
The NSA had previously deployed security software that was intended to prevent insider threats, according to an October Reuters report. However, the software, purchased from Raytheon, was allegedly not installed at the Hawaii station Snowden worked at due to the limitations of the station's network connection back to the continental US."
I actually can't believe the government right now. Instead of listening to the majority of the people and reforming the NSA (which is what a democracy should be doing) they just try and patch up where they went wrong. This is basically a slap to the face towards the american public, obviously they don't believe their actions deserve ramifications. This is exactly why this issue needs way more press/attention.

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